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The Yes Dog! - Do you give enrichment to your dog?
July 05, 2023


Dog Trainer Nati here to bring you: 1 fun activity to do with your dog, 1 interesting piece of information, 1 pawsome product to make your life better, and a quote to think and bond with your pet.

Let's get into it...

1 Fun activity: Reliable recall? Make it a game!

Practicing recalls with your dog should be a weekly activity because "if you don't use it, you loose it!" 🤯 🐶 🍗 What does that mean?

Our brain (and our dog's brain) is design to learn and change according to experiences. Everything that is rewarded is repeated; everything that we regularly practice, we know how to do. The opposite is also true. Everything that is punished isn't repeated, and everything that we don't often practice, is forgotten. That is why practicing recalls should be a constant in your dog's life.

💡🎯 Bridge Recalls Game: This is a fun game to play with your dog and practice recalls at the same time. Here are the steps.

  1. Start in a place with little distractions, if it's a hallway in your home even better!
  2. Open your legs and call your dog.
  3. When your dog looks at you, show him a treat and toss the treat between your legs.
  4. Wait for your dog to go through your legs to get the treat (If you are in a hallway, open your legs wide enough so your dog has no choice but to go through your legs).
  5. Turn around (to face your dog on the other side) and do it again!
  6. Practice until your dog goes through your legs as soon as you open them and then toss the treat behind you. This teaches your dog to go through before the treat.
  7. Your goal is to help your dog learn that when you open your legs (with a little jump for emphasis, like a jumping-jack) he should run and go through them to get a treat.
  8. Take this game to the park and have fun practicing recalls!

If your dog does not come when called, you can teach him/her following the steps in this article: 5 Step Professional Recall Program

1 Interesting piece of information: Does your dog need enrichment?

Do you give your dog enrichment? If the answer is "No", then ask yourself; why no?

A recent study by researchers in the UK, surveyed dog owners and their attitudes towards enrichment. People that did not give enrichment to their dogs, had older dogs or dogs with "low exercise needs."

If you fall under any of these two categories: your dog is older or your dog doesn't need too much exercise; don't fool yourself. All dogs need enrichment.

Older dogs can get lots of benefits when you feed them from an interactive toy or learning new things. Mental stimulation will keep your older dog healthier and younger for longer.

If you think your dog doesn't need too much exercise because he is a quiet and calm dog, then imagine the laziest person you know. Would that person like to have absolutely NOTHING to do all day long? Probably not, and neither does your dog. When you give enrichment to your calm dog, you will discover a new side of him/her!

Need ideas to enrich your dog's life? Find the best toys to buy or make at home and not spend a dime!

1 pawsome product to make your life easier

If your dog is a great escapist, he/she lives in a rural area and likes to roam around, doesn't reliably respond to your recall or you are afraid someone may take him/her away from you, GPS is a great management solution!

The FitBark GPS 2nd Generation is the world's smallest and most comfortable GPS tracker that uncompromisingly fits 5 lb and 240 lb pets. Only 16 grams packed with LTE, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity. Waterproof and backed by a friendly 2-year warranty.

Don't let your dog get lost, GPS is a great way to always know where your dog is and it requires no training!

A quote to think and bond with your pet

Hope you enjoy the information, now go and play with your dog!

Happy training,

Copyright © 2012-2023 Natalia Rozas de O'Laughlin. All Rights Reserved.

Unauthorized duplication or publication of any materials prohibited.

Not intended to substitute for veterinary, legal or other professional advice.

Consult your vet for advice about medical or behavioral conditions & treatment of your pet.

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